Friday, January 14, 2011

Blog entry #4 My final statement

I've explained my greatest beliefs to my best ability, hoping to change peoples minds about human nature for the better. So once again I'll tell you, don't under estimate humans most are much better then you might think. Someone might look kind of mean and not nice when actually they could actually be a very nice person. You might not change your mind and still have a negative out look on humans but, just think one day you might need help and one of those humans might be there to help you. Maybe then if not already you'll have a positive out look at humans. and as you read this remember our children are the blank slates of the future treat them well and they will turn out good. So please take my advise and use it wisely.

With hope, consideration,
and a good outlook,
John locke

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I feel each person deserves a chance. But once they cross you the wrong way then you can dislike them. But even though YOU dislike them that doesn't automatically mean their a bad person. Everyone can have an opinion of someone. People make bad choices, in fact we are our own worse enemy. but does that make us all bad? I certainly don't think so.
